Monday, 25 April 2011

Puddings & Cocktails - Easter Sunday

Another fantastic event at Brambles - if you haven't been to one of our pudding and cocktails evenings then this is what you are missing. The night is designed to be indulgent and to have some fun.

This pudding and cocktails evening was created by two of our most talented guys, James in the kitchen and Niall with the cocktails. With a passion fruit cheesecake, 3 ways homemade ice cream, lemon bonbon martini's, frangelico pouring syrup and warm shortbread biscuits, what more could you ask for on Easter Sunday!

And before you start to worry about the price, its simple £15.00 for four puddings and cocktails!

For more details of further pudding and cocktails evenings please contact 
P&C's is run each month and is available with our normal menus.

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